Battle Mode – Round 2

I took a break from writing on the blog because I wanted to take some time off after the treatment and the intense but fun projects I have been involved at work. But I am back to share with you our favorite recipes and the adventures and feelings of the new battle I have to fight. This is round 2.

For Thanksgiving we traveled to Bloomington, IL. We spent a day in Chicago – what a great city, – it was almost 18 years ago since last time I visited the windy city. We had such a fabulous.

A great day n Chicago
A great day in Chicago

I had a CT scan which showed an increase in the size of a lymph node on my neck. The fear of having the Lymphoma back was quite evident.

And yes, unfortunately the Lymphoma is back and not only back but it seems that I have a combination of two types of Lymphoma (Hodgkin’s and Non-Hodgkins). This combination is known as the “Grey Zone Lymphoma” a rare type of the disease discovered in 1998 that affects a very small percentage of patients. Definitely, I am going to buy several lottery tickets, perhaps I will have the same luck.

I had a partial biopsy of the lymph node, but yesterday I had a full surgery to remove three big nodes on my neck. I am doing well just tired and sore but feeling better.

On mid-December I will start chemotherapy again, it seems that the treatment is intense and concludes with a “stem or bone marrow” transplant, but let’s see….. I am quite disappointed and angry this time (but I will get over it). My hair was growing back and I was starting to recover my strength.

I have no choice, I am in round 2 of a battle that I know I am going to win. This time I am thinking about cutting my hair to be ready for this crazy battle. I  like Charlize Theron’s haircut for the role she performed in the soon-to-be-released movie Mad Max.

Thank you to my family and friends that have been praying and thinking about Dave and I.

I am strong believer that love, a positive attitude, and a warrior spirit can get you through the most adverse and difficult circumstances.

I am ready….

45 thoughts on “Battle Mode – Round 2

  1. Hello Bea it’s Sybilla from Poland (Europe) here,
    I’ve discovered GREY ZONE LYMPHOMA (interDLBCL/cHL) in july 2012. I am cured by now, it took less than a year. After 3xR-CHOP (every 2 weeks), R-CED, 3x R-ABVD, BEAM+auto stem cells transplant, and 24 sessions of Radiotherapy (40Gy) I am absolutely cured in 10 months. One from my 4 doctors claims that grey zone isn’t that rare but is not diagnosed…well anyway I hope some of mine data might be useful for you. Just keep going!


    • Hi Sybilla,
      Thank you for your note. I am so happy to hear that you are in remission now and cancer free!!!
      You are right, the doctors here in the US agree that Grey Zone Lymphoma is not only rare, but most of the time misdiagnosed.
      All the best for you!!!


  2. Querida Bety: Aunque hace mucho tiempo que no estamos en contacto siempre te recuerdo con cariño. Quiero decirte que estamos orando por ti, con la certeza de que Dios escucha nuestras oraciones y El te fortalecerá y te dará la victoria en esta prueba. Recibe un abrazo y un beso con mucho cariño de toda la familia.


    • Querida Lupita,
      muchas gracias por tu mensaje. Y si tienes razon, Dios escucha.
      Te agradezco mucho las oraciones.
      Muchos abrazos a toda la familia.


  3. Bea, you have a wonderful, positive spirit that will see you through round 2! The support of your family and friends will help you through the times ahead. We are thinking and praying for you and Dave. We love you guys! Mary Lee and Doug


    • Dear MaryLee,
      Thank you so very much for your words and for the lovely flowers you and Doug sent.
      And yes, the support of family and friends has been key through these difficult times.
      Looking forward to seeing you and Doug very soon,


  4. Mi querida Bety
    Sólo Dios sabe para que gran misión te está preparando, te dotó de muchas cualidades y no va a permitir que se desperdicien, algo especial quiere de ti. Gracias por tu gran ejemplo de valentía y amor a la vida. Cuenta con nuestras oraciones y nuestros deseos para que pronto puedas vencer esa segunda amenaza. Un abrazo con mucho cariño!


  5. Queridísima Bety
    Cuenta con nuestras oraciones y nuestros buenos deseos. Dios te ha dotado de muchas cualidades y no va a permitir que se desperdicien, algo grande espera de ti. Por lo pronto eres un super ejemplo de valentía. Que Dios te bendiga!


  6. Betuna de mi vida, eres la guerrera más fuerte que he conocido y estoy segura de que ganaras este segundo round, no tengo ninguna duda. Te mando millones de abrazos y mi vibra más positiva para que te acompañen en la lucha. Te quiero muchísimo


    • Erikius,
      muchas gracias mi querida amiga. Gracias por la vibra positiva.
      Traete a tu marido de paseo por estas tierras del este. (Aca tienen casa)
      Te mando muchos abrazos y espero nos veamos pronto.


  7. Bea,
    You are an amazing woman with such a fighting spirit. If anyone can win the battle it is you!
    You and Dave continiue to be in Roger and my thoughts and prayers. Sorry I missed you in Bloomington.


    • Dear Jan,
      Thank you for your message and specially thank you for your prayers. I am sorry too that we couldn’t see during this trip. Give a big hug to Roger and the rest of the family.
      We look forward to seeing you in our next trip 🙂


  8. Bety, Sigue con esa actitud de lucha y verás que pronto todo ésto pasará, recuerda que no estás sola en éste camino, siempre cuenta con nosotros y sobre todo con Dios que te acompaña, pronto nos veremos ya queremos darte un gran abrazo con todo nuestro cariño!!! Salúdanos mucho a Dave y dile que estamos listos para lo que necesiten. Están en nuestras oraciones. Un beso!


    • Hola ma!!!
      Si, ya nos veremos pronto. Me da tristeza no poder ir a Mexico, ya que Dave y yo teniamos muchas ganas de ir esta navidad, pero bueno espero ir pronto una vez que termine la quimioterapia y los doctores me den de alta.

      Te quiero ma.
      Yo mera


  9. Bethoven,
    Tienes una actitud maravillosa, eres una guerrera y yo se que puedes con esto. Cuenta con mi apoyo en lo que necesites.
    Te quiero mucho


    • Amayis!!!!
      Gracias mi querida amiga por tus palabras 😉 y si a luchar se ha dicho.
      Dale muchos besos a tu linda familia.
      Te mando muchos abrazos y vengan a visitarnos!


  10. Hola querida Betty-
    I know you will conquer this and emerge even stronger than you already are! You are a true luchadora! I am thinking of you and Dave and sending you strength and love for the months to come. Muchos Besos y abrazos, jess


    • Hola Jess,
      Mi querida amiga, te extrano!. como estas?.
      Thank you for your words and good energy. Yes these coming months are going to be tough, but i I will overcome this. 🙂
      Please give hugs and kisses to your family!


  11. I’m so glad to see your resolve to WIN this battle in print! That’s the warrior spirit:) I KNOW you will be vicotrious and we are all here to support you along the way. Your strength and courage are an inspiration – keep fighting!!! XO.


  12. Dear Bea,
    I am so sorry to hear that you have to go through this again. You have been through so much already. But I want you to know much of an inspiration you have been to me since you were first diagnosed. You inspired me to run a marathon two weeks ago, to raise more money for the LLS and, most importantly, to live life positively, faithfully and optimistically. I believe that you will get through this and beat it — for good. And then you will be back out there, continuing to help others fight their own battles. You have so many family members and friends who love and admire you. Keep the faith, my friend. You are in my thoughts.
    – Theresa


    • Hola!!!
      First of all congratulations for the marathon, way to go my friend!!!!. And thank you for training and fundraising on behalf of LLS.
      And yes, I will keep fighting and fighting. I will beat this.
      I send you lots of love.


  13. Bety,
    Se que una vez más sacaras la casta y vencerás este cáncer.
    Te mando muchos abrazos y mucha fuerza.
    Lo que necesites aquí estoy.


  14. Hola Betty y Dave: Les mandamos muchos saludos y la mejor “vibra”, en esta segunda prueba, estamos seguros que con la fortaleza de caracter, actitud positiva y cercania a Dios, pronto tendremos resultados alentadores.
    TQM Gerardo y Adriana


  15. Betty: ¡Por supuesto lo vencerás! Por favor, dime si desde acá de México te podemos ayudar. Te mando un abrazo fuerte.



  16. Nunca dejes de llamar a Robi si tienes preguntas….Te quiere mucho. El día que nos llamaste para cancelar el desayuno, Robi se pasó horas investigando lo “del gray zone”. Ya sabes que hay un especialista de eso en NIH….Me dijo Robi que lo llamaste a él porque ne querías que me enfadara……Cariño…esto no es un sentimiento que jamás he sentido hacia tí.Te voy a llamar pronto para ver si podéis venir otro día … queréis/podéis….Tu ahijado Felipe cumplió 15 años este mes.Pensamos mucho en tí. Te quiere…
    Cristina Maass


    • Hola Cristina,
      Gracias por todo el apoyo que he recibo por parte de ustedes. Y gracias a la investigacion que Robi ha hecho ahora tengo un poco de mayor claridad sobre este tipo de linfoma. Tengo muchas ganas de verlos y espero nos veamos muy pronto.
      Muchos abrazos,


  17. Bea, you are the finest of warriors and I know that you will win!!! We (my friends and I) are all praying, sending our love and support for both you and Dave and entire family. Hugs and besitos, Suzanne


  18. Prima!!! Te mando un abrazo enorme!! Sabes que ta apreciamos muchisisismo!!.. y como ya te he
    dicho eres un ejemplo para todos nosotros eres una guerrera y estoy seguro que triunfaras !!
    Lo mas importante es que sientas que no estás sola ( ademas de todos los que estamos y que te
    queremos mucho ) hay alguien alla arriba que está contigo EL es el camino , la verdad y la vida..
    Te quiero mucho y estas presente diariamente en nuestras oraciones y
    pensamientos ..
    Un abrazo cariñoso y sincero
    Geny Loyo y fam 🙂


    • Que linda Geny por tus palabras. Saludame mucho a toda la familia. Espero verlos muy pronto.
      Y coincido contigo, la fe es el camino, la verdad y la vida.
      Te mando un abrazo


  19. Bea,
    You never fail to amaze and inspire me!
    Never doubt that you have our love. And you have strong warriors by your side at this moment. They are the best!
    And as always my prayers and those of many others are with you.


  20. Sending much love and support your wy, Bea! You will beat this cancer, of that I am certain. Know that I am here for you if you need anything, my friend.


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