
My guitar - photo Danya Jimenez

Music is everything to me.
I started playing the piano when I was 6 years old later on I learned to play the guitar at the age of 9. Most of the music I play is by ear, I have a hard time reading notes.
I also started learning to play the violin, but I must confess that it is a difficult but beautiful instrument.

I cannot imagine our lives without music.

One thought on “Music

  1. definitivo prima, ustedes tienen el dón de la música y el baile….como olvidar las mejores navidades de mi vida. dónde todos cantabamos los villancicos con instrumentos. tú mamá con la guitarra, tú papá con el acordeón, y ustedes cantando….una familia con mucho talento. Y tienes razón la música es vida y uno se identifica o se anima con ella…….hay que disfrutarla. kisses and hugs


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