Tears of Joy

Let a joy keep you. Reach out your hands. And take it when it runs by. -Carl Sandburg

Today I received the best news I could ever hear: I am cancer free!.

Today my tears are tears of joy; I have a second chance in life.

All your support and prayers have kept me strong and positive during this journey and I am grateful.

Thank you God!

Relax. Drink Tea

Today I have two follow up appointments, a PET and a CT scan to find out how I am doing.

The first nurse had a hard time accessing my Power Port but luckily another nurse was able to access this device that has been under my skin for a year now. The nurse drew 9 tubes of my precious blood. If I was a vampire I will be so excited; but I am nervous.

In the last weeks I have been drinking tea all mornings and I love it. Right now I cannot drink or eat anything before my scans, so on my behalf please drink a cup of tea and relax.

I have the same nervousness when preparing for an exam. I want to hear that the lymphoma is gone and I will graduate with an A+ to join the list of Grey Zone Lymphoma amazing survivors today!

I will keep you posted and thank you for keeping me in your prayers.

God bless you!

Something Has Changed

I cannot believe that my last post was on March 15, 2013 after completing all treatment.  Time flies!

In the last 30 days, I have dedicated my time to organize things at work and at home. It feels good to have some sort of peace and normalcy in our lives. Each day I feel stronger and with more energy to the point that I started running again.

My hair is growing back, although I cannot tell whether my hair will be curly or straight; it is a mystery. Bea v2

Even though I have been busy with work and visits from my parents and friends, I have spent time thinking about what has changed in my life since I was diagnosed. Certainly, I have changed:

  • Each day I stop for a moment to say thank you to God for the gift of a healthy and fulfilled life.
  • I smile more and say good morning to other people more often.
  • I no longer wear wigs and I am happy looking like a Marine.
  • I like bold colors and designs which are now part of my wardrobe. Welcome yellow, orange, light green, and fun outfits!
  • In conversations I am now a listener.
  • I am more assertive and I don’t put up with any nonsense from crazy/negative people.
  • No more “sugar-coating” things. (Honestly, I was tired of that)
  • I am playing my piano and guitar more.

Tomorrow is April 15 and I am turning 34 years-old. I feel blessed, happy, and excited.

I am surrounded by love.

Thank you for reading. 🙂