September 16 – My Second Birthday

September 16, 2014 is my second birthday thanks to my brave sister Caro who donated bone marrow to save my life. Caro is now in the list of real heroes. Thank you sis, I love you. đŸ™‚

Today I am feeling well, just tired and have been experiencing nausea.

Dave’s aunt Marsha, and my parents have been helping us out and taking care of me and my sister while we recover.

I want to thank all our dear friends and family that have been praying, helping, and thinking about us during this time.

A special thanks to my husband Dave, he is my everything. I couldn’t do this without his love, support, and humor.

Thank you for reading and I will keep you posted on my road back to full health.


Tears of Joy

Let a joy keep you. Reach out your hands. And take it when it runs by. -Carl Sandburg

Today I received the best news I could ever hear: I am cancer free!.

Today my tears are tears of joy; I have a second chance in life.

All your support and prayers have kept me strong and positive during this journey and I am grateful.

Thank you God!

Something Has Changed

I cannot believe that my last post was on March 15, 2013 after completing all treatment.  Time flies!

In the last 30 days, I have dedicated my time to organize things at work and at home. It feels good to have some sort of peace and normalcy in our lives. Each day I feel stronger and with more energy to the point that I started running again.

My hair is growing back, although I cannot tell whether my hair will be curly or straight; it is a mystery. Bea v2

Even though I have been busy with work and visits from my parents and friends, I have spent time thinking about what has changed in my life since I was diagnosed. Certainly, I have changed:

  • Each day I stop for a moment to say thank you to God for the gift of a healthy and fulfilled life.
  • I smile more and say good morning to other people more often.
  • I no longer wear wigs and I am happy looking like a Marine.
  • I like bold colors and designs which are now part of my wardrobe. Welcome yellow, orange, light green, and fun outfits!
  • In conversations I am now a listener.
  • I am more assertive and I don’t put up with any nonsense from crazy/negative people.
  • No more “sugar-coating” things. (Honestly, I was tired of that)
  • I am playing my piano and guitar more.

Tomorrow is April 15 and I am turning 34 years-old. I feel blessed, happy, and excited.

I am surrounded by love.

Thank you for reading. đŸ™‚