33 years old & a haircut

On April 15 I turned 33 years old, I ran 10 miles, I cut my hair short and I went shopping. The day after my birthday I had chemo No. 8 and even though I feel more tired, I am doing well most days. I have 4 treatments left.  

Now my birthdays has a different meaning, it is not about getting older anymore, it is not about having dinner on a fancy restaurant or having a party;it is about celebrating life and being grateful for the today and the tomorrow.

Tomorrow I have a PET-scan and I am looking forward to see how my body is responding positively to the chemo.

27 thoughts on “33 years old & a haircut

  1. I am a bit late in the birthday wishes and the amazement at your inner and outer strength. Your short hair is fantastic and your smile goes so perfectly with it!
    I love that you celebrated yourself with a run, a change and love.
    I took your advice of celebrating a birthday for life not for age.
    On the 29th I turned 41 and ran an 8K, tried new food, and spent time with my family being happy.
    Thank you for being an amazing person and encouragement for all of us!


    • Dear Eli, thank you very much for the kinds words, sorry that it took me so long to respond in the Blog. Congratulations on your birthday, the run and a happy family. During my childhood I waited my birthday with so much excitment for weeks (even months) in advance. Now I have the same excitment. I like to the fact that we are connected beyond work :). Let’s celebrate life, family and friends each time we have the opportunity to do so.



  2. Hola Bety!
    Me gusto mucho tu blog! Me gusto mucho como se te ve el pelo, te vi muy guapa. François y yo pensamos mucho en ti y en tu familia. Estamos con ustedes, Admiramos mucho tu fuerza y tu caracter. Nos gustaria verlos pronto y que un dia puedan venir a visitarnos a Francia, Siempre estoy en contacto con Caro y me siento muy afortunada de tenerla como cuñada, es la mas linda persona y mi cariño a ella se ha hecho extensivo, Queremos mucho a tu familia y pueden siempre contar con nosotros, Animo Bety, como siempre,
    Te mando un fuerte abrazo!


    • Hola Lilly! Muchas gracias por tus palabras y por pensar en nosotros. Nos encantaria poder visitarlos en Francia, hace mucho que no voy y tengo ganas de ir. Caro es tambien muy afortunada de tener una cunada tan linda y atenta como tu. Te mando muchos abrazos y espero nos veamos muy pronto. Ya sabes que cuando quieran venir a EU solo dime, vivimos a 30 minutos de Washington DC.
      Muchos abrazos.


  3. Bea you have such grace and inner strength! What I so admire about you are the words you share with each of us – you put all in perspective – live the day!!!!!! Hugs and love to you!


  4. Nuestra querida Betty!!! Que gusto que vas avanzando en tu tratamiento ya 2/3, que has tenido una fortaleza impresionante para transitar esta prueba, dandonos ejemplo de como has mantenido tu actitud de triunfadora, teniendo el admirable ánimo y fuerza de voluntad de correr 10 millas y que le has dado una nueva lectura a tu cumpleaños. Gracias por darnos esas enseñanzas que nos estan marcando a nosotros y estamos seguros que también a todos tus seres queridos que estan contigo en este reto que lo has convertido en una aventura que te esta haciendo crecer y ser cada día mejor. Felicidades por eso y deseamos que en este SCAN ýa se vean resultados muy favorables. TQM


    • Queridos Adriana y Gerardo. Muchas gracias por sus lindas palabras y tienen razon, son muchas enseñanzas, mucho que reflexionar.. Ya les contaré que me dice la doctora el Lunes que la vea y me de los resultados del scan. Les mando un abrazo, Betty


  5. Sister!!!! Te ves super linda con tu nuevo corte!!!!. Avisame cuando salgas del estudio, para que me cuentes!. Vas a ver que todo va a salir super bien!!!!.te mando muchos besos y abrazos y recuerda que te quiero mucho!!!!!!!, tu hermanita Caro =D


  6. Betty, I love your new haircut – there’s this mature beauty emerging as you deepen your journey into celebrating life. I often think of you – now in Turkey – and hold space for you, wanting to know more about your journey.
    I found this old poem of mine the other day and feels appropriate to share here:

    The Gift

    This one life is a great gift for me and for you.
    Your cells that reproduce your life is a miracle of the universe.
    The womb that nurtured your soul into humanness
    has not charged you a price for its service.
    The soil, the sea, the sky, the sun
    fed you, washed you, warmed you in abundance
    for no return.
    What are you doing with this gift called your life?
    What if you lived this one life as it were a gift from God, Universe, Pacha Mama, you name it!
    What if you took every breath with tender consciousness
    and gratitude, remembering… where your life came from?
    What if you lived your one life in service of all life?
    In service of your brother and sister,
    in service of the soil and the tree,
    in service of the bird and the fish…
    this one time!
    What if your life that is a gift becomes a gift to life?


    • My dear and inspiring Filiz, I cannot express how grateful I am with life for reconnecting with you in this key moment on my life. Your words are an inspiration to me. During this process I am learning, I am certainly more receptive to everything around me and I am grateful for life, for love, for frienship, for family. Each day is a gift. Thank you my friend for sharing!


      • It’s a time to inspire one another and to learn together to soar…especially as sisters for this world needs us so much, to be in our power, to be in our beauty, to be in our gift. and the world is giving us all the opportunities to wake up, to rise up, to start singing and dancing again. As we come alive, the world comes alive with us…
        I am so grateful too for having reconnected. You know Santa Fe has been a magical container for me and I am not surprised I met you there out of all the places in the world…


  7. Beatriz, Happy Birthday! Thinking of you and sending you lots good luck vibes. You make a wonderful birthday girl, a rockstar runner and someone I deeply admire for your grace and inner strength. I am sure you look beautiful with shorter hair, but can’t wait to see you post pictures of it as long as you want again. All the best, my friend.


  8. Mucha suerte manana con el PET-scan Betty!! Ya llevas mas de la mitad de las vueltas de esta carrera 😉 unas vueltecitas mas y llegas a la meta :D. Abrazos!!


  9. Bety Te mando todo mi cariño y el deseo de que mañana todo salga muy bien!! Recuerda que estás siempre en mi mente y en mi corazón!! Te ves muy bonita como siempre tanto por fuera como por dentro! Te quiero mucho Bety!! Tu mami


  10. Bety querida:
    Qué bueno que te vuelvo a ver en el blog! Estás guapísima con tu corte de pelo! Y me encanta tu reflexión sobre los cumpleaños porque así debemos celebrarlos. Hoy estamos aquí y le damos gracias a Dios y escuchamos qué quiere de nosotros con la vida que nos regala, con las personas que puso cerca de nosotros.
    Espero que el PET tenga buenos resultados! Un abrazo,


    • Hola Ceci!, Muchas gracias por tus palabras. Me dan resultados del PET el lunes asi que ya te contare como voy. Abrazos a Felix, Jennifer y Andres


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