Singing a New Song

Only three more treatments and cannot wait to win this battle!!!. Physically I am strong and still have my short hair; yet I am mentally exhausted.

The last appointment with the doctor went very well and it was music to my ears and a relief to hear that my body is responding to the treatment. The scans have shown improvement!!. However, I have to say that it is hard to know and remember that cancer cells are still there in my body battling the healthy cells.

Lately, I am more emotional, I cry more often, and I am pensive most of the time.

In one of those not-so-good days I received a message from a good friend of mine that happens to be in California studying Theology. The words on his message spoke to me; those were the right words on the right time. His message served as a reminder to believe, to believe and trust God’s plan, to be certain that I am not alone, that I must maintain my faith strong in times of despair. Faith is a powerful tool not only for the soul but the minds. His message ended with the link to the great song “40” from U2 inspired on Psalm 40 (I encourage you to read it)

I will sing a new song….. Life is good!

29 thoughts on “Singing a New Song

  1. hey love,
    crying can be very healing. crying, grieving, experiencing sadness is not “being weak” – it is the opposite. Don’t be afraid to do that, it’ll allow you to get in touch with your deepest emotions. Part of the healing process is to get in touch with all emotions present, all emotions, all parts of you are welcome. Most importants is to be in touch with these emotions and to express and transform them. This is my personal experience and also what I witness in other’s healing journeys. I am happy to have a conversation with you about this if you’re interested.

    love you, a big hug mi hermana,


    • Querida Filiz, I like what you say about expressing and transforming emotions. I am trying to transform my emotions into positive things like music, or writing or running. Definitely, I would love to have that conversation with you.


  2. Nuestra querida Betty:
    Que gusto nos da que vas avanzando muy positivamente en tu tratamiento y que el último reporte de scaner muestra resultados alentadores.
    Seguímos muy cerca y con nuestros pensamiento estan contigo.

    Muchos saludos
    De Gerardo y Adriana


  3. Bety falta poco y tú eres fuerte, no tengo la menor duda que esta será un reto más que cumplirás con éxito y acompañada de mucha gente que te adora…buenas vibras y buenos pensamientos, muchos muchos besos y abrazos!


  4. Bea, So glad to hear that you had a good report. You’re in our thoughts and prayers everyday. Only three more treatments-you can do it!


  5. You are a rock! Your faith is strong! You are a great success story. Keep your wonderful attitute and know that 3 more treatments is a short distance to the finish line!


  6. Me da mucho gusto saber que te Falta poco para terminar el tratamiento – lo vas a vencer Betty! Te mando muchos abrazos y Besos- ya pronto te Los doy en persona!


  7. You, my friend, are awesome! You constantly amaze me with your positive energy and calm spirit. Go ahead and cry and be emotional when you need to – this journey is hard! But take comfort too in recognizing how strong you are and how far you’ve come – cancer doesn’t stand a chance against you b/c you are a fighter:) You are proving that every single day. I know how mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted you are at this point. Please know that I am here for anything you need to get through these last few chemo treatments. Focus on how far you’ve come, not on how far you still have left to go. I know what a huge mental hurdle that is right now b/c I struggled with it too. But I believe in you and I know you’ll get there! XO Jen


    • Jen my dear friend, I am so grateful that Kelli introduced us. You are my inspiration, my role model. Your words have helped me when I have needed them the most. You have been so important in the healing process. Your experience, your advise, your details are incredible. I always tell Dave that I am so blessed that you have guided me to walk this crazy and bumpy road.
      Thank you so much!!!


  8. Estoy muy contenta por ti Bety de todo corazón te deseo quw tu tratamiento siga viento en popa como hasta ahora, eres una gran inspiración , te mando muchas buenas vibras, y un gran abrazo y te tengo en mis oraciones ! 🙂


    • Muchas gracias querida Monica que lindo recibir un mensajito tuyo. Y por favor avisame cuando vengas por estos rumbos o cuando quieras venir a visitar Washington DC, aca tienes casa. Besos y abrazos y gracias por las oraciones.


  9. Querida Betty:

    Qué bueno saber que ya estás casi terminando con el tratamiento y con muy buenos resultados. Siempre el saber que ya estamos por concluir algo hace que se haga más pesado, pues ya quisiéramos llegar al final. Es lo más difícil, pero verás que el resultado será el que todos estamos esperando y antes de lo que pienses ya todo habrá pasado.
    Además es un orgullo tener una amiga como tú, que es tan querida, tan valiente y tan decidida. Eres una mujer admirable, Betty.
    Te mando un abrazote con mucho cariño desde México y ojalá la próxima vez que vengas podamos vernos.
    Y por cierto! Ese corte de pelo te queda super lindo. Hay muy pocas mujeres que se ven tan guapas con ese corte y tú eres una de ellas.


    • Querida Tania,
      Muchas gracias por las lindas palabras y las porras. En verdad significan mucho para mi.
      Ya solo me faltan dos tratamientos, asi que ya pronto espero cerrar este capitulo dificil de mi vida.
      Abrazos y seguro cuando vaya a Mexico (espero pronto) nos veremos.


  10. Betuna de mi vida, eras fuerte pero ahora lo seras mucho mas, es dificil entender porque pasan las cosas pero los aprendizajes siempre son lo mas evidente y la mayor ganancia. Vamos por 3 mas y lo lograremos!!!!


    • Gracias erikius!. Si se puede, si se puede jejejejej. Tienes toda la razon esto me ha hecho mas fuerte y tambien mas listilla (jajajajaja, notese mi modestia)


  11. Bea – You are doing great and glad to hear your body is responding so well to the treatment. You can fight this and you will! Remain calm and do have faith and trust in G-d. Also know that your friends and family LOVE you so much and are here to support you. Be strong and continue to think positively. Love you! Besos, Kelli


    • Thank you Kelli. One of the positive things that had happened through this journey is that our friendship is stronger now and I am so grateful for that.
      Your support through this battle has been so important to me and I enjoy running with you and Jen, Milana and April on Saturdays.


  12. Querida Bety! Nos da muchisimo gusto saber que solo falten 3 tratamientos, tenemos toda la fe que vas a estar muy bien y que esta etapa en tu vida quedará como un recuerdo de lucha, paciencia, fortaleza, aprendizaje y recordatorio del regalo que es cada día. Eres un ejemplo y un orgullo para todos. Te queremos mucho y seguimos al pendiente de como avanza el tratamiento. Nane y Jorge


    • Mis queridos Nane y Jorge,
      Muchas gracias por las palabras y animos. Si ya falta poco para acabar con los tratamientos!.
      Los quiero mucho,


  13. Hi Bea,

    So glad to hear of your positive medical report.
    Also grateful to hear that you have such a dear friend with the best advice of all: trust in God’s plan. That has been my go-to verse when life seems overwhelming.
    Stay strong Bea and know that you are so loved.



  14. Congratulations, you are almost done with your treatments! You have done so well! This prayer gave me strength through my treatments. I’d like to share it with you.
    Lord, you give me today one minute at a time. That’s all I have, all I will ever have.
    Give me the faith that believes each moment asks me to trust you even as you trust me.
    Give me the hope that holds within each minute despite pain or doubt or fear an anticipation of eternity with you.
    Give me the love that transforms each minute of my life into a reflection of your forgiveness, mercy, and goodness.
    Bea, youre doing


    • Dear Mary Lee,
      thank you so much for your kind words. The prayer is so beautiful. Praying has been a resource I have used lately frequently, it is powerful and uplifting.
      Love, Bea


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