I am Ready to Move Forward

 “Even though life can be deeply painful, it’s still a miraculous and worthwhile journey that somehow, some way, balances out. I’m not sure how or why it works that way, but I have faith that there are forces  at play that are helping and guiding me, and that things always work out.”  (Fortson, Leigh. Embrace Release Heal. Sounds True, 2011)

Treatment Completion Diploma!

I feel better now, not only I am not in pain anymore but I have completed my treatment that started in December of 2012. A treatment that included 240 hours of chemotherapy and 5 weeks (25 days) of radiation.

Right now, my neck looks like I had a terrible sunburn, my throat is sore and still my taste is off. Luckily enough I can taste things like chocolate, ice-cream, sweets, french fries, and all things that are not the best for you. But I am enjoying it :).

During these last months of treatment I have learned the following:

  • Being bald can be a relief
  • In times of sickness love and faith keep you going
  • There is no pain that lasts forever. (Mine lasted 45 days, not so bad all things considered)
  • Great scientists and doctors do believe in alternative medicine
  • Acupuncture does work and appeases the most excruciating pain
  • Reiki is a powerful healing practice
  • Life is a precious miracle

Today was the first day I didn’t have to go to the hospital for treatment. Today, I went to the office and started organizing and planning new projects.  I can’t wait to workout and eventually start running again. A new routine sounds exciting!

Eni, Theresa and I
Eni, Theresa and I in Annapolis, MD

I feel blessed. Thank you to my wonderful husband Dave, my mother and father in law for their love and support when I needed it the most. Thank you to my lovely parents, sisters and family in Mexico for their encouragement and powerful prayers. I am grateful for my friends and co-workers who make me laugh; thank you for your thoughtfulness and positive words!!

On April 25 and 26 I have to go back to NIH for PET and CT scans, studies, and appointments with the team of doctors and nurses to confirm the Lymphoma is gone for good.

I am ready to move forward!



41 thoughts on “I am Ready to Move Forward

  1. Betty, te mando un abrazo muy fuerte y te repito lo que ya te había dicho: eres una mujer admirable y muy fuerte. Seguro que en abril recibirás muy buenas noticias 🙂
    ¡Besos desde México!


  2. Betty
    You are amazing! An enlightened strong woman! Congratulations on finishing the treatment and i will be thinking of you especially in late April when you have your scans. Te Quiero mucho. Besos y abrazos


  3. Wouuuuuu sister!!!. Millones de felicidades por terminar este tratamiento, que se que no ha sido nada fácil. Gracias por todo lo que hemos aprendido de tí en este camino!!!. De verdad que eres un gran ejemplo a seguir y una mujer admirable y siempre luchona!!!. Te queremos mucho y estamos seguros que la vida y Diosito te compensarán todo este esfuerzo y esta lucha que has vivido!. Y gracias a Dave y a tus suegros también por todo el apoyo que te han dado en todo momento!!!. Te mandamos muchos abrazos desde Xalapa, Rafa,la bebé (tu sobrina!!!!) y yo!. =D


    • Gracias sister! si no ha sido facil pero como una buena amiga mia siempre dice: “durante los malos tiempos, paciencia y buen humor”. los queremos mucho


  4. Queridisima Betty

    Hemos leido tu blog y nos hemos sentido orgullosisimos de que seas nuestra nieta. Poco podemos agregar a tan hermosos comentarios. Solo queremos decirte que nos ha dado gran alegría saber que has superado positivamenter las dificiles etapas de tu tratamiento con invencible animo. Nos sentimos tambien llenos de un gran optimismo sobre el cierre final de este capitulo el proximo mes.
    Tambien queremos decirte que con tu valor y caracter nos das a todos los que te seguimos un gran ejemplo a seguir. GRACIAS
    Y un abrazo muy especial a Dave quien te ha dado un invaluable apoyo en este camino. Nuestro admiracion, respeto y cariño para Dave.



    • Queridos arbolito y arbolita:
      gracias por las lindas palabras mismas que he compartido con Dave. Me siento afortunada de contar con el apoyo de ustedes. Es increible pero los miles de kilometros que existen de distancia entre nuestras ciudades desaparecen cuando platicamos. Este sabado ahi estare en skype para felicitar al arbolito.

      Esperamos verlos muy pronto,

      Con todo nuestro cariño,
      dave y betylu


  5. Gracias Betty por compartir tu vida, por celebrarla en medio de las quimios y de las radiaciones. Yo te sigo animando a través de la música. CANTA, CANTA, CANTA. No cabe duda que la música y soltar la voz SANA.
    Desde aquí mi cariño


  6. Betty:
    Un reconocimiento muy grande por haber terminado esta dificil etapa, que con tu valentia y fortaleza lo has logrado, nos unimos a tu felicidad y te deseamos lo mejor hoy y siempre. Un saludo muy afectuoso a David.por ser también parte de este logro.


  7. Un reconocimiento muy grande por tu esfuerzo y valentia que has tenido y nos unimos a la felicidad de haber terminado esta dificil etapa, te deseamos lo mejor hoy y siempre y un especial saludo afectuoso a David.


  8. Bea, you have persevred through a very difficult time. So happy all your treatments are complete! Your amazing spirit and positive attitude are so inspiring! Here’s to moving forward and brighter, healthy times ahead! All my best, Mary Lee


    • Thank you Marylee for thinking about us and for being so thoughtful. I received the lovely gift you sent. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Love, Bea


  9. Bea you are more than an inspiration and I am so proud of you – you are so strong and beautiful and make us all better! Congratulations on being done and let’s do the girls’ weekend soon! Love you, Eni


    • Gracias Eni for your words!
      I had such a great time when you and Theresa came to visit. Certainly, we need to plan a trip very soon. Lots of love.


  10. So Happy For All Of You!!!! It’s been a long journey with a wonderful conclusion and your strength is such an inspiration for all of us! Blessings! Suzanne


  11. I believe in you and am thinking of you. You are an inspiration. Congratulations, friend, for pushing through in such a challenging time. Keep me posted on your visit at the end of April. xoxo


    • Thank you Theresa for helping LLS to raise fund and support others. It was great seeing you and Eni. I feel very fortunate! I look forward to visiting PA soon!


  12. So glad you are done with treatment! Will continue prayers, but so happy and excited for you to be able to move forward:) Lots of love, Schultzs


  13. you’re beautiful!!!
    I am so excited you supported your treatment with acupuncture and reiki, please continue receiving the support of these powerful healing modalities. sending you big love and un beso..


    • Thank you my dear Filiz. I have learned so much from you. I am about to finish a great book about embracing, releasing and healing. One of the chapters speaks about patients who get cured, but never heal. I understand now the power and importance of healing.


  14. Querida Bety,

    Eres una triunfadora, todo un ejemplo a aeguir. Me has contagiado con tu percepcion de la vida y con tu amor a ella. Adelante! En junio espero buenas noticias!
    Un abrazo enorme, lleno de amor!



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