Bea Prepared

Most people know that one of the common side effects of chemotheraphy is hair loss. I have known this myself from everything I’ve read and from being told what to expect by my experienced nurses at Johns Hopkins.  Since my first treatment I’ve expected the worst – that I will lose my hair. Since then I have been trying to mentally prepare for the day when I start seeing my hair falling out. Today was that day.

This morning I noticed that what the nurses told me to expect is real. My hair is officially starting to fall out. Not a lot for now, but most definitely it is happening.  For the last couple of days I have been thinking about cutting my hair all at once since I don’t want to see how it falls out. I am not personally worried about how my Sinead O’Connor hair style will look like, but I am worried about the reaction of others and I don’t want this to make me sad.

I guess I am prepared for the hair loss. I have hats, scarfs and a few wigs. In fact, my husband was surprised by how good the wigs look; he said they really resemble my hair (same color and cut). One of the wigs has long hair which is a great opportunity for me to have longer hair for a bit  and look more glamorous 🙂  If nothing else, I could always rip my wig off and scare random people.

On a related note, Dave needs a haircut and I have been trying to get him to let me cut his hair with new clippers.  So far he is hesitant and making excuses to avoid me cutting his hair . I have insisted that I  have enough knowledge to do it. I have watched several Youtube videos and have read the clipper instructions; what else do I need, really? Even if it goes bad, he always has my wigs. I am prepared.


23 thoughts on “Bea Prepared

  1. Hola Bea, I just see that lots of people care about you, that means you are very special……… and you also will be able to look very fashion with different wigs stile, I’m sure you are going to look muy guapa!!!!!!!, le deseo un día belísimo!!, katya


    • Hello Katya,
      Thank you for your message and I agree with you, I will try different fashion styles :).
      Un dia lindo para ti tambien!
      Un abrazo,


  2. Betty,

    I have been following your example of personal courage since it began (reading the blog and talking to Andrew and Ceci). I want to get off the sidelines and write to tell you how proud I am of the manner in which you are reacting to the difficulties that life has thrown your way. Not only are you using the challenges that these difficulties present to further your own personal growth but also, by example, for those of us fortunate to know and love you as we do. As for the hair, that is just temporary! The strength of character and your example are permanent. Also permanent are your recipes. The fish recipe was fantastic! Now onto the crab cakes!




  3. Querida Betty, esto del pelo es sòlo una etapa pasajera, tu pelo te saldrà màs lindo
    y mientras luciràs con pañoletas y gorros que te veràs espectacular. El domingo pasado
    estuvimos con tu papà y vimos el fut, la pasamos muy bien.
    Les envio mucho cariño a ti y a Dave y siempre estàn en mis oraciones.
    Tu tìa Malù


  4. yo creo que te verás HERMOSA con unas buenas mascadas, haciendo lucir tus ojos al máximo, cuando una etapasistinta comianza siempre sentimos ansiedad, al caminar poe se camino, vemos que no es tan malo; y al mirar para atrás, invariablemente parece una pequeñez de la cual aprendimos y salimos fortalecidos, ya verás. te mando todo mi amor y mi admiración por haber comenzado tu propio blog wow!!!!!


  5. I cut Mike’s hair all the time! Tell him to not be such a wuss. You will do a great job. And you will also always be beautiful – hair or no hair!


  6. Las cara de papa como yo sufririamos un cambio radical al cortarnos el cabello, pero con tu cara hermosa luciran mejor tus facciones. Admiro tanto tu sentido del humor y si te cortas el cabello “ya no tendras un pelo de tonta” jajajajajajaja
    Te quiero Betuna


  7. Prima te mando un abrazo enorme!!! Lleno de pura buena vibra.. Se que saldrás adelante yo lo creo de verdad que sí.. Definitivamente nuestro físico siempre esta en constante cambio pero algo que te puedo decir que nunca cambia es nuestra escencia , nuestra alma ese bello regalo que Dios nos dio y a fin de cuentas es lo que trasciende y que a travez de los años no envejece si no se fortalece .Se llena de sabiduría y amor dos cosas que afortunadamente tu tienes en demasía para ti , para tu familia y hasta para regalar!!
    Tu prima Geny 🙂


    • Gracias prima. Tienes toda la razon, nuestra alma no cambia. Y voy a aprovechar este tiempo para probar nuevos colores, nuevas formas.
      Te mando abrazos


  8. Bety, personalmente, voto por tu opción de cortarte el pelo de una buena vez, es una opción valiente y te quitará un peso de encima! Sabes que te verás guapísima y como tu dices, podrás ser más versátil con las mascadas, los gorros y las pelucas! Lo importante es que sigues con la mejor dispocisión y eso sin duda alguna es lo mejor! Siempre estás en nuestras oraciones y te mandamos hoy y siempre la mejor de las vibras!!! =)
    Susy, Ashish, Rohan y Ferran


    • Hola Susy,
      Si! voy a cortarme el pelo, tienes toda la razon. Gracias por tenerme en sus oraciones.
      Les mando muchos abrazos,
      Con cariño,
      Betty Maass


  9. Bea,

    Your inner beauty always shines through, and I know that will continue.
    I did not know David was such a WIMP!!
    Come on David. Let her cut it!!!



  10. Bea – I have been cutting Tony’s hair for about 40 years. Usually I don’t tell anyone about this talent of mine since he is bald and has been for 35 of those years. He says that hair is over rated anyway. Your hair loss is only temporary…..David’s????????? Love and Hugs – Suzanne


  11. Bety
    Si para curarte se necesita que el pelo se caiga, qué mas da. Tu cara linda y tu hermoso corazón siguen igual. Además te va a salir un pelo mas lindo. Lo he visto en mucha gente. Mucho ánimo!
    Un abrazo con todo cariño,


    • Muchas Gracais Ceci! por tus palabras.
      Y si eso he escuchado que el cabello sale mas lindo, asi que esto de cortarme el pelo y andar pelona un rato lo veo como una buena cosa.
      Y gracias por tenerme en sus oraciones y pensamientos.



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