Round Three: Rough Times Ahead

I love this doll not only because it is how some relatives and friends call me but also because my hair right now looks like hers.
I love this doll not only because some relatives and friends call me Betty Boop, but because my hair right now looks like that.

Cancer is a horrible disease, it is not a blessing and it sucks. It interrupts lives and exposes the best and the worst of the human spirit.  Cancer doesn’t make you stronger, you have to become stronger because the alternative is to give up.

After multiple scans, a series of meetings with doctors, a bronchoscopy, surgery on my left lung, and many hours in the hospital, I am sad to report the lymphoma is back. I started a new regime of chemo two weeks ago and I will undergo a bone marrow transplant by early September.

This time has been hard, disappointing and sad. I haven’t shared much on this third diagnosis because I don’t have a lot of answers and sometimes I don’t know how to share that again I am going through this (I sound like a broken record). Definitely I am not the disease and there is no way that I will let the lymphoma to take over my time, my conversations, my days, and consume my thoughts and dreams.

At this point the treatment option I have includes three rounds of the new drug Brentuximab , chemo precedes a bone marrow transplant. Since I don’t have a 100% bone marrow match I will have a haplo or “half” transplant at Johns Hopkins. The transplant procedure sounds like something taken out of a science fiction movie or a super hero comic book; in a nutshell means “resetting” and substituting my deficient immune system.

Round three of this fight is hard both mentally and physically, some days I am doing great and others not so much. I know very rough times are ahead (which I cannot control). I definitely can control how I am preparing for September to fight like crazy and win.

Thank you for your prayers, positive thoughts, and encouragement. I will keep writing on my blog and keep you posted on the transplant process.

In other news: Mexico is playing today versus Croatia at the WorldCup. Good luck to our team! Vamos Mexico!!!

Love, Bea

36 thoughts on “Round Three: Rough Times Ahead

  1. After reading your post, I am inspired by your attitude (you are an absolute Warrior!) We all would be better people if we approached life with the same determination that you are this challenge. I knew you were a strong-willed woman when Dave said you agreed to marry him. It takes someone with great character to put up with him for 2 years!! The Brumm Crew here in Indiana is praying for strength and healing for you and Dave throughout this entire process.


  2. Mi querida Bety siempre lo he dicho! Eres una gran luchadora, y estoy segura que vencerás este tercer round!, sabes que tienes todo nuestro cariño! Y nuestras mentes, corazones y oraciones están contigo y con Dave.
    Te mando todas las vibras positivas y un gran abrazo! Tu mami


  3. Bea, We are thinking about you and praying for you. We will be in touch with you and Kathy. All our love, Och and Sue


  4. Mi querida Betty
    Cuenta con nuestras oraciones y ten mucha confianza en Dios! No olvides que eres su hija y Él está contigo en todo momento! No estás sola!
    Un abrazo con todo nuestro cariño, Cecilia y Felix


  5. Bea your strength and courage are truly amazing. Thank you for keeping us updated on this third challenge. We are prayer warriors and will continue to help you meet September with confidence and success.
    Love to you and David and your families.

    Tony and Suzanne


  6. Bety
    Te mando mis mejores deseos, pensamientos y energía. Sabes que te quiero mucho y me entristece saber que estés otra vez pasando por esto, pero estoy segura que otra vez lo vas a lograr! Eres una guerrera, un verdadero ejemplo a seguir.

    Te mando un fuerte abrazo


  7. Bea,
    You are truly a wonderful woman who is strong and will keep the faith as you go through the September round. Three times a charm, right?! This will be the time that kicks cancer in the butt! God will see you through and Grandma Janet and I will be praying away for you!


  8. Bea, You and Dave are special to Trini and I … You are truly a Princess; You are in our Prayers, and Daily Rosary. Love, The Hopps


  9. Betty- I am so sad to receive this news. You have already gone through so much. Now is the gran lucha and I know you will win- you are tenacious. I admire you so much. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. Te Quiero mucho , Jess


  10. Dearest Bea: if anyone can beat this terrible thing, I’m betting on you, sweet girl! Prayers and much love, Grandma Scribner


  11. Bea – you are the strongest & bravest woman I know. You’ve also got this zest for life that is both contagious & so incredibly admirable. Those gifts will get you through the rough days ahead. That, and some wine & perhaps a trip to NC! No pressure:) I love you & am always here no matter what you need…XO my dear friend. Thinking of you & sending you a little extra strength for when the tank gets low;)


    • Thank you my dear Jen. I am blessed with our friendship, your mentorship, and support.
      I need to plan the trip to NC soon. 🙂
      Looking forward to seeing you soon my friend.
      Hugs, Bea


  12. Dear Beatrice – what a shock to hear, I was just about to email you that I am on my way to Santa Fe in a week, and will be thinking of you. You will fight this beast, I wish you all the strengh you need, the most positive energy you can have, also for your husband and family. You are in my prayers.
    Lots of love and more love.
    and yes – vamos Mexico ( I ll watch!! ) xxx


  13. Beautiful Bea,
    Once again my heart breaks for you and once again you inspire us with your strength and courage. How brave and generous to share your journey with us! My prayers for you and all of your wonderful family.
    Love to you all,


  14. Querida BEA:
    Sigue cantado… yo sigo cantando contigo… y acompañándote con mi oración. En la sierra de Guerrero dicen MAÑU MAÑU… Calma, calma….
    Te mando un beso con mi cariño


  15. Mi querida Betty has sido y siempre serás un ejemplo de fortaleza y vitalidad, se que este lapso no será fácil pero yo tengo fe en ti y en tú amor a la vida para salir nuevamente avante. Te mando un fuerte abrazo amiga y pronto iré a visitarte como habíamos quedado. =)


  16. You are great!, Betty que bueno tener noticias tuyas y saber que ya estas en los preparativos para el trasplante en Sep. Te tenemos siempre muy presente. Saludos a David y esperamos verlos pronto. TQM. Adriana y Gerardo


  17. Betty, mis oraciones y mejores deseos te acompañan. No pierdas el ánimo y la esperanza. A veces, cuando más negro está el panorama es cuando más oportunidades tenemos. Te mando un abrazo con mucho cariño. Maria


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